Our nutritionist covers: Colourful berries – the superheroes of the plant world for healthy ageing
What superfoods, if any, are worthy of this title? In my mind, no one food is ever ‘super’ because nutrition is all about the context. However, berries have special superpowers that we should all take advantage of, to protect us from the harmful ageing effects of our modern lives.

our loyal customers - we need your help!
Hi there. It’s Anna and Eve, the Founders of Arctic Power Berries. We would like to share a very unfortunate event that happened to us this week, and ask our customers, followers, and friends for help. What happened to us is so unfair it is worth sharing!

Detoxing – Here’s a few easy tips to get going
It’s important to make sure we eat and drink things that help to flush the toxins out and give our cleansing organs a much needed break. Certain foods have an effective cleansing properties when it comes to detoxification and reducing inflammation in the body.

Our Nutritionist covers: The importance of vitamin C and how to get enough of it
As an antioxidant, vitamin C has been shown to renegerate other antioxidants in the body, such as vitamin E. It plays a crucial role in immune function and can help your body cope with stress. If these aren’t good reasons to make sure your vitamin C intake are up to date, then I don’t know what is.

Quick 4 step plan for healthy gut according to our Nutritionist
There are quite a few things we can do to positively impact the way your gut works. And as research continues to suggest, a healthy gut is important for overall health, but it’s also very closely related to certain specific areas of health, which include immune function, weight maintenance, mood and sleep quality and many more.

10 Reasons to eat more berries
Explore why berries should be a part of every diet and why berry powders are such a simple way to add essential nutrients and vitamins to diet.

Our Nutritionist covers: Have you noticed a change in your appetite while in lockdown?
Comfort eating traps us into a hard-to-break-out-of eating cycle that adds to the existing stress levels – and ultimately will make us feel even more vulnerable to anxiety and low moods. Here’s some healthy eating tips for nutritious diet..

Our Nutritionist covers: How to boost your immunity system
If we eat lots of unprocessed, plantbased foods that contain high levels of nutrients and fibre, we’re more likely to have a strong immune system that can stop intruders before they make us sick. Optimising your nutritional balance and reaching status quo with your body and mind help you get ahead of the game.

Our Nutritionist covers: How to get enough iron?
One of these nutrients is iron. In the past, iron has always been associated with meat and meat eating has been touted as the way to ensure you get enough iron into your body. As iron is an essential mineral your body needs to function properly – so ensuring sufficient intake is important – but meat has nothing to do with it.

Helsinki based Holistic Nutritionist, Cecilia, talks about balanced diet
What is important to keep in mind, is that a balanced diet is also more than just food. A balanced diet requires a balanced life. How you sleep, who you hang out with, how your move your body, how you work or spend your free time are all aspects of a healthy life.